Как заправить биотопливный реактор в no mans sky
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 31 August, 2021.
The subject of this article is from the Prisms update.The information from this article is up-to-date as of 31 August, 2021.
Hydrothermal Fuel Cell | |
Category | Consumable |
Type | Submarine Reactor Fuel |
Total Value | 7,200.0 |
Updated | Prisms |
Hydrothermal Fuel Cell is a consumable product.
Source [ ]
Game description [ ]
A small power generator. Burns carbon-based fuel placed in its furnace tank and converts it into usable power.
Connect power generators to base structures and technologies with electrical wiring. Many parts require power to function.
Source [ ]
Portable Reactor can be built using a blueprint and the following ingredients:
Portable Reactor is used as an ingredient for crafting the following products:
Biofuel Reactor
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 9 November, 2020.
The subject of this article is from the Origins update.The information from this article is up-to-date as of 9 November, 2020.
Biofuel Reactor | |
Category | Base Building |
Type | Power Distribution Module |
Total Value | 1 |
Updated | Origins |
Biofuel Reactor is a base building product.
Summary [ ]
Hydrothermal Fuel Cell is a consumable product which is used to power the Nautilon's Humboldt Drive.
Source [ ]
Hydrothermal Fuel Cell can be built using a blueprint and the following ingredients:
Алексей Шабан запись закреплена
Я вот тоже задаюсь этим вопросом, похоже просто помещая её на склад головного корабля.
создай варп ячейку, сядь на свой грузовик или просто к нему подлети и запрявь его созданной варп ячейкой
у грузового корабля тоже есть раздел технологии. Обычно варп движок там
Кстати в игре баг что грузовые суда не расходуют варп топливо
Fred, расходуют, на одной ячейке порядка пяти прыжков можно сделать.
Дмитрий, у меня за 50 часов не израсходовало ничего хотя в каждую систему в которую я прилетаю я вызываю грузовой, может у меня забагалось но могу даже видос залить
Дмитрий, просто даже смысла не вижу куда то просто так посылать грузовой корабль ну если только у тебя на звездолет кончилось варп топливо и тебе лень крафтить
Fred, да по самой сути, нет смысла варп двигатель на малом корабле вообще заряжать варп ячейкой, если ты обладаешь грузовиком, т.к. на нем и прыгай вместе со всем своим хабаром)))
Дмитрий, это если ты один играешь, а если несколько человек то мы обычно паркуем свои грузовики рядом друг с другом и разлетаемся в разные стороны добывать разные ресы.
Дмитрий, я как то не парюсь с варп топливом, оно дешевое и и крафтится на раз.
Game Description [ ]
A high thermal energy fuel, contained within a standardised fuel cell. Used to fuel the Humboldt Drive that powers the Nautilon submarine.
Created with a mix of organic compounds (Carbon and cyto-phosphates) and localised mineral salts.
Summary [ ]
Biofuel Reactor is a base building product that generates power and uses organic elements as fuel. It can be connected to various base building products with Electrical Wiring to supply power to them.
Portable Reactor
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 31 August, 2021.
The subject of this article is from the Prisms update.The information from this article is up-to-date as of 31 August, 2021.
Portable Reactor | |
Category | Tradeable |
Type | Advanced Crafted Product |
Total Value | 4,200,000.0 |
Updated | Prisms |
Portable Reactor is a tradeable item.
Power generation [ ]
A Biofuel Reactor will output 50kP of power for one hour at most.
Interacting with a Biofuel Reactor displays power grid information, including total power currently generated by all connected generators; total power currently consumed by all connected base products; amount of power currently stored in all connected Batteries; and the amount of time left before fuel runs out.
Release history [ ]
- Added as a trade commodity. - Category renamed to trade item. Renamed from Freighter Fuel to Portable Reactor. - Value changed, previously it was worth 5,000,000.0 each. - Added Synthesis Laboratory as a blueprint source.
Game description [ ]
A miniature self-controlled nuclear reactor. Generates sub-stellar levels of energy in a hassle-free, widely compatible fuel module.
Crafted from Liquid Explosives and Fusion Accelerant.
Build [ ]
Biofuel Reactor can be built using a blueprint and the following ingredients:
Summary [ ]
Portable Reactor is a tradeable that can be crafted or purchased.
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