Как перенести аккаунт warframe с xbox one на пк
Помню, что на старых девстримах разработчики что то мямлили про возможное введение переноса (нет, не того переноса), но все как то быстро затихло. Короче, введут ли когда-нибудь DE очередную возможность переноса?
0choozs0 это всего-лишь твое мнение и не более)
игра вышла из беты году в 13-14.
Разве уже был оф релиз? о_О
но стим говорит, что игра уже нормальная(не показывает бетатест, да и акция давно прошла)
Всё чего нету в архиве стима-просто не может существовать
То, что был перенос аккаунтов с пк на консоли, и что ДЕ сказали, что такого больше никогда не будет - это не мнение Чуза, а официальное заявление ДЕ, которое они делали как на своём официальном форуме, так и на официальном сайте.
Но всё может измениться, стоит зазвенеть паре золотых:D Поднимите темку на форуме, но не так, как это делают уже на протяжении нескольких лет, по типу: "А когда снова будет возможность перенести аккаунт на консоль?", - а что-то вроде: "Хочу перенос аккаунта на консоль, готов заплатить 250$, кто со мной, отпишитесь!"
И если таких желающих наберется хотя бы тысяча, думаю, ДЕ что-нибудь придумают:D
Как перенести аккаунт warframe с xbox one на пк
2 апр. 2017 в 22:36 I've been playing warframe a lot recently on Xbox and now realize how much better it is on PC, im up to MR 10 and definitely dont want to start over, I know there is no way to transfer your account at the moment, but have the devs said anything recently about the topic?Thank you! 3 апр. 2017 в 1:21 3 апр. 2017 в 2:21 Likely won't happen. It's two different versions essentially. 3 апр. 2017 в 3:06 for the moment, you'll have to start from scratch but shouldnt be too much of an issue if your coming from MR 10, granted i can only imagine how annoying it might seem to redo everything. for the moment, you'll have to start from scratch but shouldnt be too much of an issue if your coming from MR 10, granted i can only imagine how annoying it might seem to redo everything.
I kinda wish I started playing PC in the first place, then again, I do hope there can be an account transfer in the future. Although its most likely not gonna happen as long as microsoft has a choice. (Letting people transfer to PC means Microsoft is losing potential customers and money)
I'd really hate having to grind back to MR 23 and and master every single weapon on the xbox version again. (+ Wait and rebuy 2 prime access packs)
3 апр. 2017 в 11:06 yea if especially if you bought prime access packs, that would be extremely frustrating to restart, if i had to restart without some of my prime access pack with how intensive i am about fashion frame, i think i would just stay with the old system. but if you do switch over, best of luck. 3 апр. 2017 в 11:46 x-bloxx aren't allowed in here.joke aside, it will never happen - and even if someone ask about it every 5 minutes, it won't - for the same reason that was given to all those other people that came before you (learn to use the search function, if you want to know more). 11 ноя. 2017 в 21:14 i understand ur pain i was mr 10 on xbox too with a lot of vaulted prime warframes and weapons 8 дек. 2017 в 18:24 for those of you saying it will never happen it has happend before so it could happen again but its not for shure 8 дек. 2017 в 19:32
I'm sure DE would love to do transfers from consoles to PC but neither Microsoft nor Sony would ever allow that.
for those of you saying it will never happen it has happend before so it could happen again but its not for shureAs far as I know it only ever happened once and it was from PC to Consoles at a time where console Warframe was just launching. More than likely in an attempt to give consoleframe a good headstart. Kind of like when you take a filter from an established fishtank and plug it into a new fishtank to boost the cycling.
The only way I ever see a transfer from Console back to PC is if DE is on the verge of abandoning console support all together and Sony/Microsoft decide to allow it. Tho even if console support was about to get pulled Microsoft/Sony would probably still deny it and in the end it's their call not DEs
Как перенести аккаунт warframe с xbox one на пк
8. des. 2013 kl. 18.22 Hey there, I just started playing this game on PS4 and so far i'm really enjoying the game (even though me and my friend are having difficulty joining each other) but I was wondering if theres a way to connect my PS4 account with the PC version of the game, would be great ton keep playing with the same character when i'm on a my PC. 8. des. 2013 kl. 18.26You'll eventually be able create a copy of your PC account to the PS4 when both builds are in sync (hopefully soon), after which both your PC and PS4 accounts will be completely separate. There is no way to copy your PS4 account to PC, or to keep them linked.
9. des. 2013 kl. 13.47 9. des. 2013 kl. 16.08 y no crossplay <3 :(I'm a little sad I can't play with acquaintances that play on PS4's. There's probably huge vendor technical hurdles, but since it's primarily PvE I don't think there'd really be a problem within the game itself having one squad member on a console with others on a PC. 9. des. 2013 kl. 16.14
There will be crossplay, but it can only be done while both the PC and PS4 versions are the same. If they aren't the same, then the version that is behind will end up causing problems, when it suddenly sees a gun it's never known and goes "WTF IS THAT?!" and crashes.
DE has already said that they've submitted U11 and some of the hotfixes to Sony, so Sony is the sole reason why crossplay isn't available yet.
Как перенести аккаунт warframe с xbox one на пк
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