Как отключить геймпад в mirrors edge
21 янв. 2014 в 23:44
It there a way (perhaps by editing some game configuration files) to disable gamepad, but not to uplug it or disable in in Computer-Manage-Devices? I hate when the game asks to press some controller button and I'm using keyboard and mouse. Yes, it still works with k+m, but it displays prompts like ("Press LT").
28 янв. 2014 в 8:58
Why do you have it plugged in if you're not using it? And yes, but it would take some serious editing to allow the controller to still be plugged in, but for the game not to prompt you to use the controller. Just unplug it, and plug it back in when you need it :)
29 янв. 2014 в 7:54
I'm using it in another games (platformers and racing). I don't want to unplug the gamepad every time I want to play Mirror's Edge.
29 янв. 2014 в 14:04
I'm using it in another games (platformers and racing). I don't want to unplug the gamepad every time I want to play Mirror's Edge.
dont be so lazy if you want someone to take hours to code something for you then pay them or just take 5 seconds to unplug the gamepad really it isnt that hard
30 янв. 2014 в 8:49
There exists a patched xinput dll file that disables the gamepad when put into game folder (near exe file), but it doesn't work on Mirror's Edge (I tried).
1 фев. 2014 в 10:40
It takes literally less than three seconds to plug in and unplug a controller
1 фев. 2014 в 11:18
I get where you're coming from as I myself used to have my xbox controller hooked up to the back of my PC and didn't feel to crawl down onto the floor and under my desk to unplug it every now and then.
But. this game is awesome with a controller. Granted I did play it on the PS3 and have barely tested this PC version even though I got it a while back.
1 фев. 2014 в 12:44
I'm using it in another games (platformers and racing). I don't want to unplug the gamepad every time I want to play Mirror's Edge.
dont be so lazy if you want someone to take hours to code something for you then pay them or just take 5 seconds to unplug the gamepad really it isnt that hard
It has nothing to do with lazyness. You don't unplug your DVD player, just because you're watching TV on your Freeview box, do you? I'm not a programmer, but if it takes hours and hours to program a simple off switch for a controller, then, . let's just say I feel bad for the programmers out there.
Seriously, though, sod all to do with lazyniness - it would be inconvenient and impractical to constantly have to unplug a controller every time you want to play X game. Also, remember, we're talking about computers here, not consoles. My controller is plugged in at the back of my PC - you really want me, for example, to get on my hands and knees and faff about with the controller lead, every time a game doesn't support a simple (and almost always included as standard) feature? Besides which, I have almost 10 USB devices back there. I think not. Maybe some people are physically disabled in such a way that it would be difficult/impossible to do so. Not everything is so black 'n white.
It there a way (perhaps by editing some game configuration files) to disable gamepad, but not to uplug it or disable in in Computer-Manage-Devices? I hate when the game asks to press some controller button and I'm using keyboard and mouse. Yes, it still works with k+m, but it displays prompts like ("Press LT").You could get an extension cable or USB hub, so that the controller plugs in closer to you; that way it's a lot easier to connect and disconnect.
It also might be worth checking the TdInput.ini file in [your documents folder]\EA Games\Mirror's Edge\TdGame\Config
At the same place as above, there's another file called TdEngline.ini that should have the variable AllowJoystickInput=1, so if you change that 1 to 0, it might disable the controller for you.
Failing all that, you could try looking for a third-party utility that enables and disables a hardware device, at the press of a mouse button; that would be pretty handy.
Mirror's edge catalyst
@Kindra447 Добрый день, было бы хорошо увидеть полные характеристики. По поводу вашей видеокарты, у меня стоит такая же и бета работает нормально.
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Fasten your seatbelts, drive responsible and follow AHQ rules.
Я не являюсь сотрудником Electronic Arts/I am not EA employee.
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Да, хорошо, должно пойти у вас. Процессор точно идеально подходит, ибо у AMD проблемы, с которыми я сам столкнулся.
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Данный аккаунт не является официальным аккаунтом сотрудника EA.
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У меня мышь и клавиатура вообще не реагируют в меню
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Дело в том что мышь и клавиатура не реагируют
Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst не работает мышь и клавиатура
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Mirror's Edge™ Catalyst не работают клавиатура и мышь
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Для начала попробуйте удалить папку settings по след пути C:\Users\Имя пользователя\Documents\Mirrors Edge Catalyst Closed Beta\
Если не даст результатов, то попробуйте загрузиться в режиме чистой загрузки.
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Не удается подключиться к игре?
Если вы испытываете проблемы при подключении к играм EA, выполните следующие действия.
Фикс для джойстика не от Xbox 360,теперь все оси и кнопки на месте и нормально работают,проверено на Logitech Rumblepad II.
Установка: разархивировать все в папку Mirrors Edge\Binaries.
звук запуска фикса есть, но в игре ничего не работает
поздновато для игры( С наступающим!=)
поздно, рано, главное чтоб работало можт теперь поиграю на моем Logitech Dual Action.
Кто-нибудь сталкивался с такой проблемой: в 3 главе(в самом начале) Фейт при разбеге начинает замедляться и прекращает бег на совсем, идя со скоростью сухопутной черепашки и так в каждой главе после вот этой фигни стало. подскажите кто знает, что можно сделать в данном случае)) Скачал 3-ю раздачу этой игры, ставил всякие патчи, но ничего не помогает, то глюки, то тормозит, а в этот раз бежать ни хера не хочет. у самого ХР стоит, последний PhysX, если это поможет=) Помогите, пожалуйста!
Как отключить геймпад в mirrors edge
Mirror's Edge
9 авг. 2019 в 12:59 Almost every game always worked with the controller from ps4, even that ME shows full support of the controller, it doesnt work at all, as this is a old game, is the problem just because i dont use classic Xbox 360 or am i just insane? 10 авг. 2019 в 2:52 if you look up ds4windows you can make your ps4 controller emulate an xbox 360 controller. 10 авг. 2019 в 12:14 if you look up ds4windows you can make your ps4 controller emulate an xbox 360 controller.NO don?t do that
steam has intigrated DInput recognition since 2018 and every Dinput controller (DS4) will work for every steam game, DS4Windows will heavily ???? with that so don?t use it
you might need to configure this game with you controller first in Big Picture mode
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